I normally just buy strawberries and blueberries but this past Costco visit the raspberries were calling my name. They looked so perfect!
I've been wanting to make my own jam for awhile now. I don't buy it from the store because it contains so much sugar, and the sugar free jam, to me, tastes awful. I found recipes from two of my favorite food blogs, Oh She Glows & PaleOMG and used them both to make Blueberry-Raspberry Clean Eating Jam. Here's what I used:

2 cups of fresh raspberries
1 cup of frozen blueberries
1/2 cup of all natural honey
2 tbsp chia seeds
2 tbsp lemon juice (or a juice from one lemon)
1. Add blueberries to a small sauce pan over medium heat. As they defrost they will start 'popping' open, and juices will start to come out.
2. Add raspberries, honey, and lemon juice
3. Continue to stir and mixture should start to get thicker
4. Add in chia seeds
5. Stir until all fruit is broken apart. I kept mine over medium heat for about 25 minutes, and then 10 minutes over low
6. I let it cool and then put it in my one of my grandmother's mason jars :)
I used this jam on my toasted Ezekiel cinnamon raisin English muffins for breakfast on Saturday morning and it was delicious!