I finally finished switching out my summer clothes with my fall/winter clothes and organizing my closet. Now, it's time to take on my makeup. With the help of my fellow beauty bloggers, I reorganized my makeup, bath, body and hair products in my bathroom. It took approximately 5 hours....
Both Temptalia and Beauty & Fashion Tech suggested the sterilite containers you can find at Walmart or Meijers. Lucky me, they were on sale at Meijers. I bought 2 larger ones with a single drawer and 3 smaller ones with 3 individual drawers. I organized my palettes and brow kids in one large one, and in the other large one I have my shadows organized by shades and type.

I organized my foundations, bronzers, lip pots, mascaras, eyeliners and blushes in their own mini drawers. I also have a a mini drawer for tweezers, scissors, and other misc. beauty essentials.
I previously had everything semi organized in a pink and brown plastic woven baskets from the Dollar Tree (I heart the Dollar Tree). I moved these, along with fun pink Victoria's Secret boxes, to the lower shelves of my closet and have my bath and body products, hair products, sun care/self tanner and giveaway products stored in these.

I outgrew the dollar store martini glasses for my glosses, so I purchased regular glasses from the dollar store and organized my glosses in them by color (pinks, browns, sheers, etc.).

Here comes my favorite part. I got this idea from Temptalia and Bionic-Beauty. I purchased square-like glasses from the Dollar Tree along with small polished river rocks and pebbles. I put the rocks in the glass and 'voila' a brush holder and really cool, spa-like decor for my bathroom, for only $3!!!

I look forward to opening up my closet each morning and doing my makeup. I love the 'store like' feel to it and knowing where everything is! Not only did this help to clean my counters up, but it also makes doing my makeup in the morning more efficient since I can quickly find everything!
I'd love to hear how you organize your makeup...please comment!