LipMonthly Review

I think it's pretty obvious that I'm obsessed with lipgloss, based solely off of the name of my site. I love trying new lip balms, glosses and lipsticks, and I'm always reading about the latest and greatest in lip products.  I recently learned about LipMonthly, which is a new monthly subscription service for lip products. How perfect does this sound?!?

For $10 a month, you'll get a curated box of lip balms, stains, lipsticks, and/or glosses. In my first box, I received the following:
- Stila lip liner in Fuchsia
- GlamNatural gloss in Poco Loco 
- Hard Candy Lip Tattoo lip gloss
- Lipology gloss 
- Ultraflesh mascara - this was a surprise!

The entire box was worth way more than $10! And each month there will be a surprise product, that may or may not be a lip product, that is included. LipMonthly will include a wide variety of brands, both popular and smaller niche brands, to bring the best assortment each month. 

If you're interested in trying it out, visit their site! They are currently running a promotion to get $5 off your first box! 

I LOVE monthly subscriptions because it allows you to try new brands that you may have never heard of before, and potentially fall in love with! Are you currently signed up for any other monthly subscription box? If so, which ones?

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