Dermalogica Skin Hydrating Booster Review

It's now mid-April in Michigan, and it's been 70 and sunny the last few days, but just a week ago, it snowed! I'm sure everyone from the south are tired of hearing about this harsh winter, but trust me, it's taking a toll on everyone involved, both mentally and physically. When it's sunny out everyone seems to be in a great mood! But when it's cold, it's a downer! And it doesn't just have an effect on my mood. My poor, dry skin, has been suffering this winter too.

Normally I don't do much testing with skincare products. I have really sensitive skin and I usually don't like to rock the boat. But since we've had this extremely cold and dry weather, I've caved. I've been testing out several different moisturizers and treatments to help protect my skin against this weather.

One of the moisturizers I was able to test was Dermalogica Skin Hydrating Booster. I've seen great results from this product! I've been using it religiously under my moisturizer for about 3 weeks now and have been extremely happy with the results: softer skin, less redness in the morning, and no breakouts.

The consistency of this product is just like water, which is also the first ingredient. According to the site, it's suppose to not only help with redness but also with fine lines. It also contains hyaluronic acid, panthenol, glycolipids and algae extract. No artificial fragrances or colors are added.

The directions on the box suggest mixing this with your existing moisturizing, but I've been applying it directly to my skin, and then a layer of my moisturizer over it (sometimes). A little goes a long way, so I can see this 1 oz bottle lasting awhile. 
It's hard to see because it looks like water!
A little goes a long way with this formula, and I can see this 1oz bottle lasting a long time. And after seeing really good results from this product, I definitely want to try out more Demalogica products. You can purchase Dermalogica from their site and also at Ulta Stores. This product retails for $56. 

Have you tried Dermalogica products before? If so, which are your favorite? 

Note: This review includes products that I received as samples, provided by the brand company or a PR rep. Please click here for more information regarding my disclaimer.

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