Giveaway Break - Vaseline Rosy Lips and MarieBelle Chocolates

Who knew something so tiny could bring so much joy into my life…check out my latest obsession: Vaseline Lip Therapy Rosy Lips. Anyone who knows me (or has read my blog in the past) knows that I keep a tube of lip balm everywhere in my life. In my coat pocket, in my purse, in my laptop bag, in my suitcase, in my car, etc. I can’t go without lip balm for more than an hour.

My favorite type of moisturizing balm is petroleum based, so obviously Vaseline has made an appearance in my bags. I recently got a sample of the Rosy Lips mini jar and fell in love. The light rosy hue it leaves on lips is just gorgeous. And it’s just as moisturizing as regular Vaseline, which makes it a win-win. And the cute size also helps its appeal. 

This mini jar retails for about $2 at drugstores, but you can also try to win for yourself below!


Enter to box of MarieBelle Chocolates you can share with your Valentine, and a Vaseline Lip Therapy Rosy Lips mini jar for yourself!
Fill out the form below to win! There are also several different ways you can get extra entries: sign up for my mailing list, post a link to this giveaway on your blog, follow my blog, follow me & retweet on Twitter, follow me on Pinterest, add me to one of your Google+ circles, follow me on Instagram or become a fan on Facebook. Make sure to list the number of extra entries in the form below. Enter up to once a day to increase your chances of winning!
This giveaway is open to US residents only. The contest will end on Friday, March 7th. I will randomly select a winner and announce them on Lipgloss Break, so keep checking to see if you're a winner - Good Luck! 

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