lucy #childspose Campaign

Who's ready for Christmas?? I have a few more easy presents to buy and then I'll be finished with my shopping! Between work, holiday parties and gatherings and traveling through the snow storms in MI, I'm ready for Christmas Eve to be here!

To help get you through the holiday and into the New Year, Lucy, the women's active wear brand, started a fun campaign centered around yoga's child's pose. They have produced a short film (directed by the talented Elizabeth Banks!) that features a series of stressful situations that every women can relate to. When faced with these situation, Lucy encourages you to get into the child's pose to relax. Check out the video and animated gifs here!

If I have to go to the mall before Christmas Eve, you may find me in child's pose outside of Sephora! Where would you most likely be found in child's pose? Please share in my comments below, FB and Twitter, using the tag #childspose.

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