New York Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2014

I had trouble sleeping last night because I was so excited for this morning. I'm flying into NYC today for Fashion Week! Last year was my first year attending and it was a ton of fun, but extremely intense. I had great NYC blogger friends (shout out to the Collective!) who gave me advice and tips, but it was still a really hectic week!
Me at Daily lounge during NYFW '12

This year I feel much more prepared, but I'm sure it will be just as much of a whirlwind as it was last year. If you'll be in town for your first Fashion Week in NYC, here are my tips to you (paying it forward!):
  • Stay organized by adding all of your shows to Google Calendar or some kind of calendar that will send you reminders. Sync this with your phone so you have it handy at all times. Make sure to add physical and email addresses into the invite details.
  • Leave yourself time to get in between shows. Basically, don't overbook yourself! Map out the shows on a map if they're not all in Lincoln Center to make sure you have enough time to get from one to the other.
  • There is a lot of pressure to wear horribly uncomfortable shoes to look good...if you must, pack comfortable ones in your purse to switch out in between shows.
  • Bring band aids for blisters. There's a lot of walking to be done!
  • Pack your make up for touch ups. It's going to be a warm weekend and you may work up a sweat getting between shows. You always want to be camera ready when at shows.
  • Gift bags and swag are great, but remember that you will have to carry these bags around all keep this in mind and only take what you truly want. 
  • Bring snacks!
  • Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. 
  • Fashion show etiquette: If you RSVP for a party or show, go! If you can't make it, email your contact and let them know. Chances are, there are several people on a waiting list, wanting to attend.
If you can't make it to NYC but want to stay up to date with shows, trends and the behind the scene action, check out the following....

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