Mint Manis for Talia Joy

Zoya Nail Polish in Josie
Some of you may have seen or heard about Talia Joy Castellano, a star in the beauty community. Talia was a beautiful thirteen year old girl who was battling two horrible forms of cancer, neuroblastoma and preleukemia. She was also a very talented makeup artist, with YouTube channel with almost 1M subscribers. She has also appeared on Ellen DeGeneres, where she was made an honorary Cover Girl!

Talia passed away this week but she will always be remembered as the smiling, beautiful girl that shared her love for makeup with the world.  Her last instagram post was of a teal mani, so in her memory, beauty bloggers are getting together to share mint manicures for Talia. Please share the love and repost: #MintManisForTaliaJoy & #TaliasLegacy.

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