Blogher '13 in Chicago, Gone Too Soon!

I am just now coming down from this past weekend’s Blogher 2013 high. I had such an amazing time! Blogher put on a great event with even better people. The sessions were good, but where I learned the most was from talking with and meeting new blogger friends.

This was my first blogging conference so I don’t have anything to compare it to. If you are new blogger starting out, this is a great conference to learn the basics of writing, getting the social media basics down and monetization. There are more advanced sessions for more experienced bloggers, but I think the main thing for the more experienced is networking with others and connecting with brands at the expo.

At any rate, it was a ton of fun and I made some great new friends. I can’t wait to find out where Blogher 2014 is going to be held!

My digs in the South Loop, thanks to AirBnB.
Folgers Reboot lounge at Blogher. I stopped here several time a day...
fitbit flex
Fitbit Flex. So excited to learn more about this. I am wearing it as I type but have no idea what it's tracking! Thanks Best Buy!
I passed Soldier Field on my morning runs...
The La-Z-Boy Boys!
false eyelashes
Getting fake eyelashes applied compliments of KISS Nails
Another Rockbox win.
Breakfast at Eleven Cafe in South Loop


  1. Great pics! Glad you had a wonderful time. I've never been to BlogHer and it was my dream to go this year since it was fairly close to where I live. It didn't happen. Oh well, maybe next year.

  2. I've been meaning to ask you about BlogHer!!!! Glad to hear you had a great time. I'd love to go to a blogger conference if the travel schedule will allow someday...

    1. It was my first blogging conference and it was a great experience. I would definitely go again. Looking forward to finding out where it will be held next year...
