Stay Motivated in the New Year

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a fun and healthy holiday.

New Year Resolutions have been set and I'm sure like previous years, one of the top trending resolutions is to get in shape. One of the main challenges with this goal is staying motivated. It's easy to buy a gym membership, but staying motivated and actually using that membership is a whole other challenge. Here are some of my tips and strategies to staying motivated and dedicated to working out....

Pump Up the Volume
Music is very important. A solid playlist and up beat music can really affect your mood and workout. I use to struggle with ear buds that fit my small ears, but finally found a set that stay in while I bounce around with my workouts (Sol Republic Amp In-Ear Headphones, below). And you don't need a fancy iPod to get you through a workout. Download the Pandora app to your phone (it's free!) to get rocking tunes to get you through a workout. This is also a great way to discover new songs.

Set Milestone Goals
Whether it's the first 5lbs lost or mastering a pull up (this is one of my goals!), set goals and 'rewards' along the way. I like to treat myself to pedicures or a massage when I meet one of my goals. It also helps to stick to these goals when you write them down. Get a cute notebook (I like the mini Moleskin, below) that you can carry with you in your purse or workout bag so you can jot down your progress.

Fit Fashionista
Treat yourself to some new workout clothes! Since this is such a popular time for people to get active, Marshall's and TJMaxx has a TON of gym gear on display. Name brand pieces at great prices. Invest in coordinating tops, bottoms, sports bras and headbands. If you feel good going to the gym, you'll have an even better workout. 

What's your New Year's Resolution? Please share how you plan on sticking to your goals!

Stay Motivated in the New Year
UnderArmour Shoes and Crop Pants / Sol Republic Amps HD In-Ear Headphones / Girls Gone Sporty "Sweat Sexy" Fitness Tank from ViewSport / Moleskin notebook


  1. Great post! I have been sharing my goals (1 personal, 1 professional and 1 wellness) in a YouTube video on my blog and encouraging others to share and hold each other accountable. It helped so much last month, I finished a project b/c I wanted to be able to show the completion when I posted my January goals and December updates.

    I like what you said about tracking, cute notebooks or a daily instagram always works for me!
