Lipgloss Break: How I Wear My Michael Kors Watch
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How I Wear My Michael Kors Watch

Michael Kors is releasing their  new Limited Edition Runway Watch for fall. The Paris themed watch is going to debut on October 15, and is the second in a series of destination inspried watches, following the New York version. 

This watch is BEAUTIFUL. The intricate design of the Eiffel Tower on the backside is amazing. Paris holds a special place in my heart since my husband proposed under the Eiffel Tower in Vegas. When we went to Paris after we were married, he reenacted his proposal under the real Eiffel Tower - J'adore Paris!

To celebrate the debut of this new watch, Michael Kors kicked off its #MKTimeless social campaign. Fans can post photos of their Michael Kors watches to Instagram or Twitter with the hashtag #MKTimeless for entries to win a watch of the own.

In case you are wondering, below is how I would rock my Michael Kors Paris Limited Edition Runway Watch. This watch is perfect for going from day to night. I would rock it with a blazer during the day, and then slip off my blazer to leave a black dress and ankle boots for night. 

Love your Michael Kors watch? Show them how you wear it! Share your photo on Instagram or Twitter with the tag #MKTimeless for a chance to win the Paris Limited Edition Runway watch.

Michael Kors is also rewarding the top 3 bloggers who drive the most social interaction a watch for keeps and a watch to giveaway to a lucky reader! So please tweet, share on FB and leave a comment below! 

Content and/or other value provided by our partner, Michael Kors.


  1. What an elegant watch! I'd love to get one for my husband.

  2. Love this watch, I'm a big fan of Micheal Kors

  3. I love MK watches but sadly haven't made the jump to own one...yet. Great Styling!

  4. So excited about purchasing my first Michael Kors Watch!

  5. I've never worn a watch, but for the last year I've had my eye on a Michael Kors watch. It's likely going to be at the top of my Christmas list this year!

  6. Every girl in the city loves this watch! No lie!!

  7. I just purchased my first Michael Kors watch about a month ago. It's very versatile, so I can dress it up or down! I totally heart it!

  8. I love it! very pretty watch!

  9. I love all MK watches, but this one is especially beautiful!!!!!

  10. Thanks for sharing. The watch is excellent and keep writing.

  11. Well, I don't wear watches but this one has tempted me...
    Great post!

  12. I don't normally wear a watch, but I WOULD wear THIS ONE! Beautiful!

  13. Love all the Rose Gold MK watches!

  14. gorgeous it!

  15. gorgeous it!

  16. Going to the MK store, can not wait to pick out my watch!!

  17. That's an awesome watch! Hopefully my wife doesn't see this, cause I'm sure she would want this watch!!!

  18. LOVE this watch! I was between a rose gold & silver last year - I went with the silver. You're making me think I need the rose gold this year ;)

  19. Wow! That is gorgeous!!! I love to rock a watch once in a while, but this one I would wear aaaaalllllll the time!!

  20. This is a beautiful watch! Love the Eiffel Tower design.

  21. Love the watch - especially the Eiffel Tower!

  22. Bought my MK's Love it!!!!!!

  23. Going to the MK store this morning!!! Love the runway watch!

  24. Oh WOW!! This is an amazing watch! I've started getting interested in sporting watches as accessories to outfits. Just amazing.

  25. Going to send you a picture on how i will rock my "two" new MK watches!

  26. Bought the Rose gold this weekend!

  27. Bought the Rose Gold and a Silver MK watch in Florida on my vacation this weekend!

  28. My friend bought the Rose Gold with the crystals! beautiful!

  29. My wife wants the Runway Rose gold.

  30. Just got home from Florida,spotted so many girls with the MK Rose Gold watch, so fashionable!

  31. i get so many comments on my MK watch! Especially the Rose Gold one!

  32. Now that my friends have seen my Rose Gold they all want one!

  33. It was a hard decision on what style to get but the Rose Gold with the crystals on the band won out!

  34. Love when I wear my watch and someones says "Is that a Micheal Kors"?
