Traveling East to West

Heading to San Francisco for the week! During the week is strictly business in Mountain View, but once Friday hits, me and the hubby are heading to the bay area. Staying at the Clift in Union Square, we're going to try and experience the city in a non-touristy way. You will definitely see us riding the BART!

Below is what 5% of my suitcase is filled with :) The last time I was in San Francisco I froze my butt off and had to buy an extra scarf to keep me warm. So I'm prepared this time with jackets, jeans and scarfs. I also tennis shoes for exploring.

I was excited to pack my new skinny jeans...they are so California! I also couldn't forget my workout journal and SF maps. Looking forward to getting exercise climbing the hills of the area. The only thing below that isn't in my suitcase is that adorable grey Rebecca Minkoff MAC mini clutch. Maybe I'll come across it in the city...

If you live in the area or are familiar with SF, please send us your suggestions on things to do and places to eat!

San Francisco trip 2012

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