Beautiful Change Challenge #5 - Get Physical!


The challenge for this week could almost be considered a lifestyle change for some people. The challenge: exercise. I’m talking about committing to being active and exercise at least 30 minutes 4-5 times a week.

I know this is hard. If you work full time and/or have kids, I know it’s hard to find the time. But this should be worked into your ‘me’ time, and whether you hit the gym up at lunch or work in a quick video before the kids get up, it’s important for your health and will make you feel better!

If you find yourself in an exercise rut, you may need to try something new to peak your interest and get you excited about working out and feeling good.

This happened to me. Last year, February 2011, I came across a local gym that offered kettlebell training and decided to check it out. So I show up to this class, by myself, not knowing anyone, and I fall in LOVE. It’s been over a year now that I’ve been going to kettlebell classes (for those of you in Michigan, it’s Fast Fitness Kettlebell) and I’m training for my first kettlebell competition in May! Not only that, but my husband goes to class with me on the weekends, and we've met some really cool people!
Here are some pointers to help get you started…
  • Start a workout journal. Moleskin has a great exercise journal that I use. Keep track of how you feel after a good work out, or better yet, how you feel when you miss a workout. Flip back to these pages when you find yourself needing motivation to go to the gym
  • Put your goals in writing (in ink!). And don’t forget to reward yourself when you hit your milestones.
  • Buy a monthly membership or punch card so you’ll stay committed.
  • Can't afford a gym membership? = not an excuse for not working out. There are 100s of sites and YouTube channels committed to bringing you kick butt at home work outs. Check out, happens to be my favorite one, that offers quick 20-30 minutes videos to knock out in the morning and then be done with your workout for the day!
  • Added bonus: Joining a new class or gym is a great way to make new friends! 
Do you have an exercise class you are committed to or favorite gym workout? Please share!

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