Beautiful Change Challenge #4 - Relax Your Mind


For the 4th installment of the Beautiful Change Challenge, I was tasked with sharing what I do to relax spiritually and mentally. Well, this is definitely a ‘challenge,’ because lately, I don’t have a whole lot of time where I can do this! I know this is the case for a lot of folks, whether it’s kids or work or both, it’s hard to ‘check out’ of daily life and find your ‘happy place.’

As much as I’d like to tell you that you can always make time for yourself, I know first hand, its hard, and sometimes you can’t. But…you can make the time where you are busy, more enjoyable, and more relaxing. Here are some ways I like to fit in things that relax me, while I’m at work or on the go…

While at work...
Find a music download site where you can listen to new music and make playlists (make sure it’s a legal one!). iTunes works, but sometimes its fun to listen to new music, and not the tunes you hear every day.

Make yourself a play list for your different moods, plug in your headphones, and listen to the tunes while you work. I know this isn’t feasible for everyone, but its something I do to relax myself when things get stressful at work.

While traveling..
I travel a lot for work. It’s tiring and I miss my family while I’m away, but there are little things I do while on the road that help me relax and even look forward to a plane ride.

I treat myself to Starbucks while waiting for my flight. I don’t like to drink too many sugary Starbucks drinks, but while traveling, I treat myself to a Chai tea latte or nonfat Vanilla CafĂ© Latte while I’m waiting at my gate for my flight. Only treating myself while traveling makes me dread not heading to the airport that much because I know a Starbucks Cafe Latte with a shot of soy and sugar free Hazelnut is waiting for me.

Watching movies while on flights is also a good way to get ‘me time.’ There are some movies I know I can’t pay my husband to watch with me, so when I’m on a plane, that is when I get my chick flick time in! Also, don’t forget your favorite magazine or book!

While driving…
Books on tape! Dying to read the latest 50 Shades of Grey? Get it on audiotapes to listen to during your commute. You’ll probably look forward to being stuck in traffic!

If you can do something similar to my ‘escapes’ each day, even for 10 minutes, to get your mind off your daily stresses, it will probably lead to you being more productive for the rest of the day. 

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Disclosure: Compensation was provided by AVEENO® via Glam Media.  The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of AVEENO®

1 comment:

  1. A relax mind is very healthy and very much a good way to start the day with. It is also known as a good anti wrinkle cream.
