Beautiful Change Challenge #2 - Beauty Routine


Now that Summer is around the corner I want to try and tighten up my morning beauty routine. With a shorter morning regime I can get to work faster, and ultimately, leave earlier, at the end of the day, while there is still plenty of sunshine left to enjoy.

I challenge YOU to do the same, not just to shorten up your routine but to also make positive changes to your routine.

The longest part of my morning routine is my hair. It takes me about 15-20 minutes to add product, dry and style every morning. And what’s worse, is everything I do is harsh on my hair. Even though I add leave in conditioner and oils for smoothing, drying it with high heat and then using a straightening iron is really tough on hair.

So as a challenge, I’m going to try and be less harsh on my hair. Here’s how: I’m not going to wash my hair every day. I’m going to try and only wash it 5 out of 7 days of the week. On my non-wash days, I’ll use a dry shampoo to restyle.

A celebrity stylist once told me that short hair looks better the next day without a wash, and I’ve found it easy to go a day without washing. I also have best friend who has long thick hair and she can go up to 3 days without washing and using dry shampoos. So no excuses, it can be done!

Are you going to try my challenge? If so, please tell me about it in the Glam chat below. Are you going to try something else? If so, please share!


New AVEENO® PURE RENEWAL™ lets you renew your hair to its naturally balanced state daily. Unlike ordinary shampoos, these sulphate-free formulas have Balancing Seaweed Extract; bringing hair back to its naturally healthy, most balanced state with each wash, for beautifully healthy-looking hair. Learn more here
Disclosure: Compensation was provided by AVEENO® via Glam Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of AVEENO®

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