Don't Stress!

Life is too short to sweat the small stuff. I was the biggest worrier out of my friends growing up, always stressing out about little details, and it look a lot of years to learn how to effectively manage my stress. I've come a long way, but stress management is something I think I'll work on forever.

When I feel myself getting stressed, or know I'm heading into a stressful situation (example, daily commute to and from work!) I like to treat myself to something fun or relaxing, to help keep my mind off the situation and to help me relax. Here are few things I do, some on a daily basis!

Cup of joe for my commute – I drive, without traffic, about 30 minutes to and from work each day. When there’s bad weather or construction, it can take almost an hour, which leaves Angela not so happy! I love to get in the driving zone with my favorite music station and sip on a cup of flavored coffee I brewed that morning. Having a nice hot drink for the ride makes traffic more bearable. 

Coffee not your thing? Take time in the morning to make yourself a tea, pour yourself a glass of OJ, or even water with a splash of lemon. Treat yourself to a fun travel mug and you’ll have something to take your mind off of traffic and the stress out of your commute.

Take a walk – It’s winter in Michigan but today the temperature was 65 degrees! Put on a light jacket and take a walk, even just around your block, to get your blood flowing and to get fresh air (and hopefully some sunshine too). Having a bad day at work? Take a break or walk during your lunch break. Exercise will help take your mind off of work and/or other stressful situations in your life, and will make you feel better. Plus, you can’t argue the health benefits of regular exercise.

Wine down – I hate to promote drinking…but a glass of wine can work wonders! I like to buy the single serving wine bottles from the grocery store when on sale. And I’m always the first to snatch up the latest Groupon or Living Social wine deal to stock up for company and myself (and for impromptu hostess gifts!).

Take a bath – End your day and de-stress with a bath. Treat yourself to a new scented bubble bath product and relax. I keep a basket (pictured below) of fun bath bubbles, gossip magazines, my e-reader and candles by my bath tub. Include a glass of wine and you’ll forget all about that busy and stressful day you just had. 
Please join in on the conversation below and share how you take the stress out of your day!

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Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Sprint via Glam Media.  The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Sprint.

1 comment:

  1. Some times it's hard not to stress! but we must try our best to make it go away when we get home!!! Thanks for the Tips!
