Lorac TANtalizer Body Bronzer

I'm glad to be back in the D (that's Detroit :). I spent 3 days in Florida this week for work. It was a nice change to be able to wear dresses without tights! But the problem with that is that my legs were looking like Snow White's.

I was running low on time and didn't have enough time to use a self tanner, so I grabbed a sample of Lorac Body TANtilizer I received from Sephora and called it a day. The sample package described it as a 'body makeup' and not a permanent stain like self tanner. I thought I'd check it out as a quick fix!

I put it on Tuesday morning before my client meeting and I was instantly sun-kissed! It smelled great, not like a regular self tanner smell, and went on evenly. I was really impressed with the way it looked. It washed off easily the next morning in the shower. I did get a little on my work bag from carrying it against my arm, but it came off easily with a damp cloth. I would not suggest wearing it with a white dress, pants or top. Please keep in mind, that this does not contain sunscreen!

I'm planning on buying a full size one for my trip to Florida next week, which is an actual vacation!


  1. I might try this!
    Try Fake Bake- i love it- it stains right away and you only have to touch up about once a week- it is applied with a mitt and doesn't smell bad! I got mine at Ulta

  2. Oooh! Thanks for the lead Chelsea - I'll have to try that, especially if it doesn't smell!
