Giveaway Break - Dermacyte Oxygen Concentrate

Looking for a new skincare product, check out Dermacyte Oxygen Concentrate. Dermacyte Oxygen Concentrate is a unique and ultra-soothing formula that helps restore a youthful glow to your skin. Your complexion appears instantly brighter and energized after it is applied. Apply morning and night onto clean skin before any other products. Think of Dermacyte Oxygen Concentrate as an oxygen bar for your skin! Price: $84, 10 ml


Enter to win a bottle of Dermacyte Oxygen Concentrate!

Fill out the form below to win! For extra entries, you can sign up for my mailing list, post a link to this giveaway on your blog, follow my blog, follow me and retweet on Twitter , or become a fan on Facebook; just make sure to list the entries in your comment. Enter up to once a day!

This giveaway is open to US residents only. The contest will end on Saturday , July 9th. I will randomly select one winner and announce them on Lipgloss Break, so keep checking to see if you're a winner - Good Luck!

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