Miracle Skin Transformer Giveaway

I love Miracle Skin Transformer. I wrote a review about it a year ago, and just replenished my supply. Here's how you can try it out for free. So easy!

Here's how, straight from Miracle Skin Transformer:

Get 10 of your Facebook friends to “like” Miracle Skin Transformer on Facebook and we will send you a full-size Miracle Skin Transformer SPF20 in the shade of your choice! It’s my way of thanking you for all your support!

xx Sarah

Complete the form located HERE, including the names of the friends you’ve asked to Like the MST Facebook Page, your MST shade, and your shipping address, and if they all “like” our page by January 31, 2011, we’ll send you a full-size MST SPF20 totally free! It’s that easy! After you enter your friend's names on the sheet, make sure to send them a message telling them to 'Like' Miracle Skin Transformer!

Please comment below or email if you have questions, and let me know when you 'Like' it!

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