Femme Science Age Control review

My BFF Tina asked me about the latest and greatest on anti-aging skincare, and I told her about Femme Science. I gave her a sample to try and she really liked it! Here's her review:

"At age 40, I am beginning to notice every little line, spot and wrinkle on my face! It seems as if I have tried just about everything on the market. I started using Femme Science a couple of months ago. I have been using Age Control both a.m. and p.m. under my moisturizer and I've become a big fan!

As I get older, I have noticed that my skin has become thinner, drier and more fragile. I have also noticed the development of sun spots and discoloration of my skin which has lead to an uneven complexion. Since I have been using Age Control, not only have my sun spots been diminishing right before my eyes, but so have my fine lines. My skin tone is once again even and radiant!

I am looking forward to trying their entire line. If my face looks this good with just one product, I can't imagine what all of them combined will do."

Here are the key ingredients in Age Control: Retinol, CoQ10, Niacinamide, Beta Glucan, Oligopeptides, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Green Tea, Vitamins C and E.

It retails at $54 and can be purchased at FemmeScience.com.

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