Giveaway Break - Juicy Tubes & Chris Benz Tshirt

Yesterday you may have read my post about Juicy Tubes 100% Natural Origin limited edition collection and Lancome's partnership with the charity. Juicy Tubes is celebrating it's 10th birthday by going green with recycled packaging and all natural ingredients, just in time for Earth Day 2010. To help spread the word about the big 10th birthday and good cause, let's have a giveaway!


Enter to win Juicy Tubes 100% Natural Origin limited edition in Blushing Beauty and a limited edition t-shirt by famous designer Chris Benz!

Fill out the form below to win! For extra entries, you can sign up for my mailing list, post a link to this giveaway on your blog, follow my blog, follow me and retweet on Twitter , or become a fan on Facebook; just make sure to list the entries in your comment. Enter up to once a day!

This giveaway is open to US residents only. The contest will end on Saturday, May 22nd. I will randomly select the lucky winner and announce them on Lipgloss Break, so keep checking to see if you're a winner - Good Luck!


  1. Thanks for having items for giveaways that we actually can use instead of tossing in a drawer and forgetting about them. I have told several friends about your site and they all try to post as often as they can.

  2. My granddaughter would love me if I won this for her. She is a Juicy Tubes fan and would love the Tshirt.

  3. Great Prize - I'd love this for my daughter :)

    ktgonyea at
