Giveaway Break - Pulse Yoga DVD

What is Pulse Yoga?
A basic yoga routine that introduces the Pulse concept of micro movements within a posture. Key areas such as abdominal, lower back and gluteous muscles are targeted. Alternating right/left pulse movements with free weights define and sculpt the upper body.

  • Apply the use of free weights in novel ways to basic yoga postures
  • Strengthen and tone key areas such as the abdominals, lower back, upper arms and gluteus.
  • Teach core awareness
  • Stretch chronically tight areas such as the hamstrings and hip flexors

Enter to win a Pulse Yoga DVD!

Fill out the form below to win! For extra entries, you can sign up for my mailing list, post a link to this giveaway on your blog, follow my blog, follow me on Twitter , or become a Fan on Facebook, just make sure to list the entries in your comment. Enter up to once a day!

Retweet: @lipglossbreak Enter to win a Pulse Yoga DVD!

This giveaway is open to US & Canada residents. The contest will end on Thursday, November 19th. I will randomly select the lucky winner and announce them on Lipgloss Break, so keep checking to see if you're a winner - Good Luck!

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