Giveaway Break - Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day Collection


Enter to win the perfect hostess gift: Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day Collection! It includes Mrs. Meyer's Clean Home Book, Clean Day Soap and Clean Day Candle.

To enter the contest, fill out the form below. For extra entries, you can sign up for my mailing list, post a link to this giveaway on your blog, follow my blog, or follow me on Twitter, just make sure to list the extra entries in the 'Extra Entries?' field below.

This giveaway is open to US & Canadian residents. The contest will end on Monday, August 17th. I will randomly select a winner and announce them on Lipgloss Break, so keep checking to see if you're a winner - Good


  1. I've been trying to get my hands on that book for a good little while now. I'd love to win this!!

    I was already a follower on this blog and twitter (lipton_tee).
    I just signed up for the mailing list and I posted a link to this blog on my blog (

  2. Please include me in the giveaway. I don't like to clean but this will make it easier. I am a follower and email subscriber. Thank you.

  3. Following you on Twitter! (Redstar720) Redstar720(at)aol(dot)com

  4. Hi! I just found this site a couple days ago and it's awesome!

    One question though--some of the giveaways say you can enter once a day, and some don't say that but don't say you can't. Is it okay to enter daily on all, or only on the ones that specify this is ok? Thanks, -M

  5. Hi Mim! Thanks for visiting. For any contest with a form, please feel free to enter up to once a day!

  6. I love Mrs. Meyer's products--they really work, & are so pleasant to use.
    adrianrny on twitter.

  7. Hi Angela, thanks for responding, I definitely will! these are great!
    Thanks, have a great weekend, -M

  8. i just found your blog and love it ! please enter me also,thanks.

  9. I'm an email subscriber.


  10. I'm a follower and email subscriber. i love these products & have purchased them as host/hostess gifts in the past!

  11. oops, sorry, the "angela" posting on August 14, 2009 11:57 AM is me (matt_owns_me{at}yahoo{dot}com)

  12. I have seen this book at a friends but couldn't find another one. maybe this is my chance

  13. Love Mrs. Meyer's lavender products.
