Earth Day Giveaway - Noah's Naturals

Noah’s Naturals is a complete line of bath, body, hair and skin care products that harness all-natural essential oils, proteins and other natural ingredients at an affordable price.

Noah’s Naturals Commitment:

- Natural raw materials

- Pure essential oils

- Organic herbs and essential oils

- Organic plant oils and emollients

They are also committed to never using any harsh chemicals such as:

- No petroleum

- No sodium lauryl sulfate

- No parabens

- No propylene glycol

- No artificial colors


This environmentally friendly brand is pairing up with Lipgloss Break for an Earth Day inspired giveaway! I will randomly select one lucky winner to win a selection of products from Noah's Naturals Skincare Line. Make sure to sign up, below, for your chance to win!

You can enter up to once a da
y. For extra entries, you can leave a comment letting me know what 'green' initiatives you are doing, sign up for my mailing list, post a link to this giveaway on your blog, follow my blog, or follow me on Twitter.

For this giveaway, I'm able to mail to United States addresses only. This
contest will end on, Friday, May 1st. I will announce the winner on Lipgloss Break, so keep checking to see if you're a winner - Good Luck!


  1. I'd sure love to try these products - sonds very natural and great for skin!

  2. We recycle newspapers, plastic and glass bottles.

  3. one of my green initiatives is to walk everywhere!

    alison_luby at hotmail dot com

  4. recycle, changed lightbulbs, planted more plants in the garden, turned off lights, and buying only organic products

  5. I take my own shopping bags to the market.

  6. This would be amazing to win!!! I turn off the water when I shave my legs; it saves something like 300 gallons a month just for that!!

    thank so much again!

  7. My green initiatives:
    recycle everything I can, maximize my gray water usage, use CFL lightbulbs, turning off lights in public restrooms when I'm the last to leave...take the bus

  8. Great prize :)

    ktgonyea at

  9. The line of products look pretty good, would love to try especially since I'm trying to get into the all natural/organic lifestyle.

  10. I would like to try the bath products.
    This line sounds very good for the enviroment

  11. These products sound wonderful - and are very reasonably priced, too :)

  12. we bring our own reuseable tote bags when shopping. yyeres(at)gmail(dot)com

  13. We recycle everything and reuse all we can. We use reusable totes for shopping. And we drink water filtered from home in our own bottles. Blessings, Stefanie Hartman

  14. follow you on twitter id keepsakebaby

  15. I recycle everything possible and use reusable shopping bags. These products look great!

  16. Mary
    zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com

    We repurpose/repair/reuse as much as possible and are always looking for new ways to do the same.

  17. the beody kit looks wonderful.

    adrianrny on twitter

  18. I have a compost bin, I take shorter showers with the light off in the morning, I recycle, use energy eff light bulbs and always remember to shut off the running water when I brush my teeth.
