Quiz Break - Are you an NY or LA Girl?

I'm an LA Girl! Check out this quiz and let me know, by posting a comment, if you belong in NY or LA. I'll randomly select someone to win a surprise prize on Friday, March 13.

I Belong in LA

Forget living in a dirty, cold city - you'll take the beach instead.

Celebrity sightings, trendy restaurants, and clubbing all night are more your thing.

And who knows? You might become the next beautiful person the paparazzi stalks!


  1. I'm an LA girl! =D Good thing I already live in CA.

  2. Even though I am a yankee, I long to be the LA girl!

  3. My quiz said I'm a NY girl! Although I disagree since I hate crowdedness and snow/cold. I'm probably a little of both, guess I should live in the middle of the country haha!

  4. Even though I like Jessica Simpson's style and I'd rather be in traffic than the subway the quiz says I'm a NY girl!

  5. I'm an LA Girl! I already knew that though, lol :)

  6. Welcome to Total Beauty! I took the quiz and I'm a NY girl, even though I live in LA.

  7. I belong in LA! Funny...I live closer to NY. Guess because of the little dream house on the beach...
