It took a lot for me to stray away from my Benefit mascara, but I thought, 'what the heck? I'll try it out!' I heard it was similar to Kiss Me's 'tube' technology, so I was intrigued. One end of this is a primer for your lashes, which helps coat them so the mascara can form 'tubes' around your lashes. This mascara give my lashes great length, but not thickness. The removal of this mascara is a little different, and a little uncomfortable at first. You just have to use warm water and you almost 'pull' the tubes off of your lashes. The best part is that it doesn't leave black stains on your wash cloth!
I found this mascara at my local Ulta store, they were buy one get one free, no coupon needed. I definitely plan on keeping the second one for myself!
I LOVE mascara. Its definitely my favorite makeup item. I think L'Oreal has some of the best mascaras on the market (and for such great prices). Great post!